The Frank Coffyn Collection
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Coffyn's Flying Machine
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About the Exhibition Team

The Wright brothers with the 1904 Flyer II.
The Wright brothers with the 1904 Flyer II
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The Wright brothers never wanted an exhibition team. They saw themselves asscientists first, businessmen second, and certainly never as showmen. Withtheir successful first flight of 1903, they had proved that flight waspossible. Working in secret on a series of machines through 1905, they hadestablished the scientific principles of flight, and laid the foundation forall aeronautical engineering to follow. But as earnest experimenters inFrance and the United States had struggled into the air, the Wrights' claimswere put in doubt. They unveiled their creation in 1908, astonishing theworld with the magnificent control of their machines, and obliterating anydoubt of their supremacy in the air. They founded the Wright Company andbegan selling airplanes.

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